policy. On the contrary, should securities and asset management companies do not emphasize on such policy while others do, they would instead become the ones to handle social pressure,? Chalee added.
of transactions, and to handle transactions by themselves or authorize another person to withdraw money in person every time to reduce the chance of damage impact. _____________________________Remark
of Mutual Fund 17. Dividend payment A mutual fund may pay dividends from its retained earnings or net profits in the accounting periods that the mutual fund have retained earnings or net profit
-Current Liabilities 214.00 165.42 100.21 Total Liabilities 826.72 968.55 843.87 Authorized Share Capital 100.00 100.00 100.00 Issued and Fully Paid-Up Share Capital 100.00 100.00 100.00 Retained Earnings
Capital 100.00 100.00 100.00 Issued and Fully Paid-Up Share Capital 100.00 100.00 100.00 Retained Earnings (Deficit) Unappropriated 363.61 426.45 491.34 Total Shareholders’ Equity 463.61 526.45 591.34
Earnings (Deficit) Unappropriated 363.61 426.45 491.34 Total Shareholders’ Equity 463.61 526.45 591.34 Income Statement Revenue from Sale of Goods and Rendering of Services 466.56 568.04 618.45 Cost of Sale
22.69 1.90 496.61 69.08 Current Liabilities 196.50 434.91 396.74 -38.17 -8.78 200.24 101.90 Long-term Liabilities 88.36 138.58 100.85 -37.73 -27.23 12.49 14.14 Retained Earnings 434.05 619.34 717.96 98.62
718.91 1,192.83 1,215.52 22.69 1.90 496.61 69.08 Current Liabilities 196.50 434.91 396.74 -38.17 -8.78 200.24 101.90 Long-term Liabilities 88.36 138.58 100.85 -37.73 -27.23 12.49 14.14 Retained Earnings
-term Liabilities 84.66 100.85 91.99 -8.86 -8.78 7.33 8.66 Retained Earnings 435.91 717.96 718.08 0.12 0.02 282.17 64.73 Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings 712.99 1,215.54 1,182.82 -32.72 -2.69
, however, not complied with the accounting standards stating that the revaluation surplus has to be transferred directly to retained earnings when the asset is retired. The SEC thus instructed ABC to rectify