บริษัท หลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุนเกียรตินาคินภัทร จำกัด|กองทุนรวมที่มีการกระจายการลงทุนน้อยกว่าเกณฑ์มาตรฐาน
The objective of the project, which is organized for the second year in continuation from 2022, is to give financial support for development of necessary knowledge and skills for women, who have
Kuala Lumpur, 22 February 2017 ? Four ASEAN audit regulators and Big-Four audit firms in the region have collectively agreed on a measurable goal to improve audit quality. This initiative was
In / สราง account ใหม Impact Goal เริ่มสราง Project ใหม สําหรับการจัดเก็บผลกระทบ Impact Goal ชื่อโครงการ /องคกร เปาหมาย โครงการ Impact Goal สามารถเพิ่มเปาหมายโครงการ โดย การกด Add more objective
program. The primary objective is to empower trainers with comprehensive knowledge, addressing the specific financial challenges of three target groups: (1) individuals with debts, (2) individuals
support the national goal, our strategic plan aims to meet four key objectives of sustainable development, financial inclusion, strengthening competitiveness and building trust and confidence. Amid this
Disclosure Introduced Corporate Target Life Cycle Assessment GHG Scope 1& 2 Accounting 2017 Life Cycle Assessment (Asian sites) Third Party Performance Evaluation Sustainability Data Management GHG Scope 3
E H O L D E R E N G A G E M E N T COMMITMENT GOAL SD POLICY SD FRAMEWORK Governance Being an accountable bank to create sustainable profitability We are committed to strong ESG principles to be a
, Presales of first half of year 2020 is 11,430.7 million baht or 53.0% of the yearly presale target. The presale came from the housing project approximately 1,946.9 million baht, which is more than 1,473.9
targets, organizations should consider including the following: ‒ whether the target is absolute or intensity based, ‒ time frames over which the target applies, ‒ base year from which progress is measured