Service Co., Ltd., aligns its sustainability practices with the overarching principles of the AFS Group. The Company has appointed both a dedicated sustainability working group and a formal sustainability
าดวยการใหความเห็นชอบผูจัดการกองทุนรวม อสังหาริมทรัพย) มีจํานวนบุคลากรที่มีความสามารถและทํางานเต็มเวลา (dedicated staff) เพียงพอทีจ่ะรองรับปริมาณธุรกรรมของ REIT - มีความพรอมดานระบบงานที่จะบริหาร
implementing its recycling growth strategy. Fibers IVL has restructured this segment into three market oriented verticals; Mobility, Hygiene and Lifestyle. Each vertical has a dedicated management team which is
reported a core service revenue of Bt138,569mn, increasing 4.2% YoY, attributed to the performance of all core services dedicated to delivering high-quality products, as well as additional revenue
impact alongside financial return (“Impact”) and; 4) screened strategies that incorporate BlackRock’s baseline screens (“Dedicated Screened”). Business Indicators
Airline Passenger Experience Association), a non-profit membership trade association dedicated to improving the entire airline passenger experience. The APEX Official Airline Ratings™ is based on neutral
membership trade association dedicated to improving the entire airline passenger experience (September 2019) 16. The Company was awarded “Selling Travel Agents Choice Awards 2019” as Overseas Regional Airline
ตอบจำนวนบุคลากรเป็น 0 คน 8.2 ถ้าไม่มี แผนก IT security / Cybersecurity เป็นการเฉพาะ บริษัทท่านมีเจ้าหน้าที่ในแผนก IT ที่ทำงานด้าน IT Security/Cybersecurity เป็นการเฉพาะ (dedicated personnel) กี่คน (1
under the Convention on wetlands, known as the Ramsar Convention. Safely managed WASH services: The universal provision of safely managed water, sanitation, and hygiene services has dedicated targets
2019 Case study – dedicated approach 48 Board level oversight: Board Chair Management responsibility for implementation: Sustainability Steering Committee IncentivesFrequent reporting Source: CDP 2019