engineering. A similar impact is seen year to date where core business is running well beyond the same period in 2017 while the impact from lack of engineering contribution is a drag. We do expect Golden Lime
competitive pressure which remains. The engineering business while still a slight drag in Q2 has secured a project in Indonesia and will be a positive contributor in 2020 as a whole. Depreciation was closed to
Oxide platforms. The acquired businesses is fully integrated downstream in Surfactants used in personal home care and in Propylene Oxides used in insulation and foam materials. These leading downstream
contribution is a drag of over 50mTHB annually in revenue. We do expect Golden Lime Engineering to contribute to top line growth as there are promising projects being negotiated and should materialize in the
discount was provided to those being impacted by measures to contain COVID-19. Still, the discount did not significantly drag gross profit margin down due to reduction in advertising and marketing expense
นบคุคลในครัวเรือน และผลิตสารโพรพิลีน ออกไซด์ (Propylene Oxide) ที่ใช้ในการผลิตวสัดุฉนวน และโฟม ( insulation and foam materials) ซึ่งธุรกิจชัน้น าปลายน า้ ( leading downstream businesses) ดังกล่าวจะ
Speciality Chemicals segment to be growth segments. The acquired business is fully integrated downstream in Surfactants (used in personal and home care) and in Propylene Oxides (used in insulation and foam
, there are definite costs associated with inefficient investing during retirement. This cost can be attributed to the “return drag” associated with paying taxes versus delaying payment. The difference in
debt will continue to be a drag on household spending. However, public policy continuity, including the implementation of infrastructure projects such as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), will support
developments warranted a close watch, particularly in US politics, which were a drag on the implementation of economic stimulus measures and tax reform. In addition, Britain’s economic outlook was obscured by