. Manufacturing and Selling of Tooling and Metal Fabrication unit: THB million 2019 2018 Change (THB million) Change (%) Revenue from External Customers 73.42 64.69 8.73 13.50% Total Revenue 73.81 65.60 8.21 12.51
Selling of Tooling and Metal Fabrication unit: THB million 2019 2018 Change (THB million) Change (%) Revenue from External Customers 31.49 32.03 -0.54 -1.69% Total Revenue 42.75 51.17 -8.43 -16.47% Net
-15.07% 3. Manufacturing and Selling of Tooling and Metal Fabrication unit: THB million 2019 2018 Change (THB million) Change (%) Revenue from External Customers 52.07 46.87 5.20 11.09% Total Revenue 52.37
External Customers 101.67 105.04 -3.36 -3.20% Net Profit for the Period 7.31 10.20 -2.89 -28.31% 3. Manufacturing and Selling of Tooling and Metal Fabrication unit: THB million 2020 2019 Change (THB million
products and services increased by 17.9 MB, representing an increase of 100% because the advance payment for products and services in Q2–2019 were made. Especially, to the Aluminum ingot for the fabrication
Fabrication and Other Services. As at 30 June 2019, the Group has backlog for construction service in oil and gas sector totaling of 1,814.43 Million Baht. On 18 July 2019, the Company also notify the project
Service 202.07 100.78 101.29 100.51 - Fabrication and Other service 93.22 119.78 (26.56) (22.17) Cost of construction contracts (561.51) (368.25) 193.26 52.48 Gross profit 50.32 46.09 4.22 9.15 Other income
Service) 3. งานให้บริการด้านวศิวกรรมโยธา (Civil and Building Service) 4. งานให้บริการผลติ และบริการอื่น (Fabrication and Other Service) โดยผลการด าเนินงานส าหรับปี 2560 สิน้สดุวนัท่ี 31 ธนัวาคม 2560 สามารถ
falsification of accounts and financial statements, and the deceitful practices towards the public in the case of Stark Corporation Public Company Limited (STARK). The SEC is also prepared to extend full
advance payment for products and services in the nine-month period of the year 2019 was made, especially, to the Aluminum ingot for the fabrication project of the Provincial Electricity Authority. Other