ec ti on A ct iv it ie s Re po rt 1 J an ua ry 2 01 3 - 31 D ec em be r 20 13 comparison was not carried out. Audit procedures were not performed to assess the reasonableness and reliability of the
); (5) review procedures and processes in the management of information security incidents, after the testing under (4) is carried out, at least once a year; (6) evaluate the results of the testing under
) establish conditions and controls relating to information security in an agreement signed by both parties; (2) monitor, evaluate, review and audit service delivery of the outsourcee regularly; (3) re-assess
) establish conditions and controls relating to information security in an agreement signed by both parties; (2) monitor, evaluate, review and audit service delivery of the outsourcee regularly; (3) re-assess
relevant technology element Identify and assess risks arising from IT Understand, identify, and test relevant ITGC Conclude on risks arising from IT and determine audit response Evaluate deficiencies in ITGC
assess the incremental risks associated with their staff providing personal services while other firms, which collected the necessary information, had no means to verify the reliability or the completeness
in which they invest in order to assess their individual circumstances, performance and long- term potential, and to consider whether there is value in intervening to encourage change. 2.3 Proactive
trust. If an investor intends to speak to the media, they should tell the company that is their plan before discussions begin. It is important the investors set out their views clearly in advance. CalPERS
ambitious SLB; they aid investors by promoting accountability of issuers in their sustainability strategy and availability of information necessary to evaluate their SLB investments; and they assist
operated by a third party. An auditor did not test the reliability of the report, even though it was used to assess the existence of consignment goods when he performed a test of detail in the substantive