find supporting evidence to satisfy the audit procedures due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management in several matters including audit procedures to evaluate effectiveness of
continuously conducted to learn of investor behaviors, evaluate knowledge level and satisfaction towards the SEC?s investor protection mechanisms. The feedback so obtained will be beneficial to the SEC?s
better performance was mainly due to an increase of revenue form airport related businesses and unallocated revenues, together with a lower of major expenses of airline business which related to number of
mainly from airport-related services and unallocated revenue which rose by 11.6 percent and 35.0 percent respectively. The revenue from airline business slightly declined by 4.2 percent from highly intense
percent and 2.8 percent respectively. However, revenue from airport-related services and unallocated revenue rose by 11.6 percent and 35.0 percent respectively. The Company reported net profit at 510.8
and airport businesses which declined by 4.0 percent and 9.4 percent respectively, resulted from lower number of passenger by 0.2 percent. In addition, average fare continuously dropped by 3.5 percent
main contribution was revenue from airport-related businesses and other related business and unallocated revenue which increased by 8.7 percent and 54.8 percent respectively. For airline business
main contribution was revenue from airport-related businesses and other related business and unallocated revenue which increased by 8.7 percent and 54.8 percent respectively. For airline business
capacity for the routes in-out Samui airport by 15.3 percent, comparing to the second quarter of this year on the purpose of fulfilling high season of Samui. In the third quarter of 2017, the Company has
resulted from airline business decreased by 54.5 percent, airport business decreasing by 52.8 percent and airport-related businesses decreasing by 45.2 percent. The Company reported net loss at 3,332.8