ใหกู้ย้มืคงคำ้ง (margin loan) 5. ยอดรวมมูลค่ำหลกัทรัพยใ์หย้มื 6. ยอดสุทธิ free credit balance 7. ยอดรวม credit line ทั้งหมด 8. ยอดรวมทรัพยสิ์นส่วนเกิน (excess equity) ขอ้ 2 สถำนะบญัชีมำร์จ้ินตำมเกณฑ
profit margin was slightly brought down by 0.9% of gross profit margin due to turnaround costs and the rise of main raw material prices from tight supply plus greater crude oil prices. 2. In Q2 2018
) 15,488 -228% (44,109) -55% 3,077 -742% Margin -4% 3% -9% 1% Profit (loss) for the period (59,449) (34,287) 73% (84,511) -30% (39,917) 49% Margin -12% -6% -17% -8% Profit (loss) for the period attributable
incomes 0.71 0.71% 2.94 2.49% 2.23 314.08% Total revenues 101.28 100.00% 118.12 100.00% 16.84 16.63% Gross Profit / Margin 25.54 25.21% 26.42 22.37% Net Profit / Margin 4.18 4.13% 12.85 10.88% Revenue from
% 4,552 59% Total Revenues 494,213 473,402 4% 498,549 -1% Profit / (Loss) before interest and taxation (44,109) (4,437) 894% 3,077 -1,534% Margin -9% -1% 1% Profit / (Loss) for the period (84,511) (47,544
% Margin 6% -9% -233% Profit / (Loss) for the period 960 (84,511) 101% (649,014) 100% Margin 0.2% -17% -197% Portion of the Companies’ shareholders 18,494 (26,632) 169% (391,713) 105% Margin 4% -5% -119
the clearing and settlement system of securities. Clause 7 Where the securities clearing house requires the members to place margin or assets for covering risks, it shall clearly disclose the guideline
electricity generation facilities 1.1.2. Wholly dedicated transmission infrastructure and other supporting infrastructure for onshore solar electricity generation facilities including inverters, transformers
Exchange and entirely dedicated to sustainability-focused financial instruments such as bonds and funds to facilitate information access for investors. SEC is planning to develop an information platform
, as appropriate. Principle 7.5 The board should ensure the establishment of a dedicated Investor Relations function responsible for regular, effective and fair communication with shareholders and