Mr. Abinash Majhi Mr. Abinash Majhi, as a director responsible for the operation of Datamat Public Company Limited (DTM), failed to supervise DTM to prepare and submit the copy of annual report for
Mr. Bho Boonsiri Mr. Bho Boonsiri, as a director responsible for the operation of Datamat Public Company Limited (DTM), failed to supervise DTM to prepare and submit the copy of annual report for the
copy is required. (7) Photocopy of an evidence of certified public accountant. Signature of the applicant to certify true copy is required. (8) Photocopy of an evidence of registration as an auditor with
least. [A] · Backup Information and frequency of preservation · Media · copy · Procedure and method in detailed · Place and method of media storage · Providing a log book of information preservation that
least. [A] ▪ Backup Information and frequency of preservation ▪ Media ▪ copy ▪ Procedure and method in detailed ▪ Place and method of media storage o Providing a log book of information preservation that
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