its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2018 represented a profit from continuing operations of Baht 559.74 million. Compared to the same period of 2017, the loss was Baht 2,241.90 million
ชื่อผู้บริหาร ความสัมพันธ์ * ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ วันที่ได้มา/จำหน่าย จำนวน ราคา วิธีการได้มา/จำหน่าย หมายเหตุ พีซแอนด์ลีฟวิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) บมจ.(PEACE) นาย จำเริญ รุ่งรัศมีโชติ ผู้รายงาน หุ้นสามัญ 05/07
Company Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market
Corporation Public Company Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted
Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions
Company Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market
Company Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market
("POLAR") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market conditions in
Limited ("POLAR") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal market
Public Company Limited ("NEWS") by separating duties to executing buying or selling orders in a way of concealing and continuing, which caused the trading of such securities contradicted normal