investors and companies managing assets for investors locally and overseas. This in turn will help to create a favorable environment for good corporate governance and encourage responsible business operation
-related risks and opportunities into securities analysis and asset management to enable favorable long-term returns for investors. The Thai version of the TCFD recommendations is now available for
sector leading to many new orders awarded to the Company in the year 2017 and resulting in a favorable business performance accordingly. The Company reports the total revenue of 377.49 million THB in 2017
due to the stimulus policy from the government in relation to telecommunication industry giving a positive impact towards the Company in winning many new contracts and consequently resulting in a
compared to the year 2016. This is because the stimulus policy from the government in relation to telecommunication industry has given a positive impact towards the Company in being awarded by many new
Economies, which was expected to grow 4.9% in 2018 from 4.7% in 2017. Supported by the positive global outlook, the Company expects to expand hotel management and franchise business to spearhead growth in
+9.3% growth YoY at constant FX. However, reported international beverage business was slightly declined from FX impact. Domestic market: Energy drinks showed favorable growth for both M-150, our
level in most of important reservoirs were in adequate supply for farming and the weather condition in most part of the country was also favorable for agricultural products to be produced. These factors
and Din’s, both of which received favorable responses from consumers. However, over the course of 2019, the economic situation and consumer confidence continuously worsened and this negatively impacted