Wichai Poolworaluk said: ?Our qualified volunteers have noticed considerable progress in most listed companies. The companies emphasized meeting transparency with complete and timely disclosure of meeting
. Thirachai. TIA President Wichai Poolworaluk said: ?Our qualified volunteers have noticed considerable progress in most listed companies. The companies emphasized meeting transparency with complete and
in many cases a major hurdle to investment, these companies have recognised that good corporate governance has given them a significant advantage in attracting capital. Government initiatives to
received great response from customers. The company also introduce a new production line, producing and exporting frozen freshwater fish fillet with considerable orders already in place and a tendency to
China Changed the status of an investment in Master Ad Public Company Limited (“MACO”) Realised considerable synergies with PlanB by launching new media packages Bangkok Takeover and Bangkok Combo
. Advertising business revenue contributed 35.3% of total revenue or THB 179mn, decreasing by 56.8% YoY. The decline is a result of the aforementioned COVID-19 crisis, which has caused a considerable drop in
Operations for the year 2017 The Bank’s loan portfolio for the year 2017 expanded at 9.3% from the end of 2016, a considerable growth comparing to contractions during the past 3 years from 2014 – 2016. The
Business Operations for the year 2017 The Bank’s loan portfolio for the year 2017 expanded at 9.3% from the end of 2016, a considerable growth comparing to contractions during the past 3 years from 2014
settled, which were actually not. Napasanan used the transferred money to settle transactions made by other clients instead. In addition, it was found that changes were made to the photocopies of her
profit margins. Therefore, such significant rise in sales from these two categories lowered the average gross profit margin from domestic sales. Gross profits margin 3-month period ending 6-month period