: 4,944 tCO2 eq • Cat. 14 – Franchises: 2 tCO2 eq 14 Appendix II: SBTi assessment of the SPTs. SPT 1 complies with the boundary set by SBTi as: • It covers all scope 1 and 2 emissions in Group’s GHG
abnormal trading volume and exhibit more lottery features. Volatility and Skewness The relationship between asset prices and volatility measures has been explored and reported using several different proxies
scales over time, with increasing severity and scope of impacts. Climate systems may exhibit thresholds and tipping points that result in large, long-term, abrupt, and possibly irreversible changes. 10
implement short- term speculative trading strategy than other types of market participants. • Retail investors tend to exhibit a higher degree of cognitive biases such as the prospect theory (Tversky and
-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. GHG emissions inventory and science-based target boundary (Scope 1 and 2) 1. The targets must cover company-wide scope 1 and scope 2 emissions
minimum price of land at THB 32,000,000 (thirty two million baht) which is The Company’s Board of Director’s meeting No. 17/2561 passed the resolution to determine a selling price boundary to be no less
all android handsets, to exhibit leadership in 4G. Handset subsidies remained stable and more targeted; however, the competition in fixed- speed unlimited plans has challenged an ability to increase
weak to nonexistent. • Barras, Scaillet, and Wermers (2010) document that 75% of funds exhibit zero alpha (net of expenses). Also, there were significant proportion of positive alpha funds prior to 1996
argument suggests that higher board gender diversity weakens corporate culture. Based on a large sample spanning almost 20 years (2001-2018), our results demonstrate that companies exhibit significantly
firm value. 8 If fundamental information is manifested in earnings persistence or reflects earnings growth, it seems logical that a firm with stronger fundamentals would exhibit either higher persistence