the market. With these factors, the company is assured that J FinTech Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary will have the better operation prospects from the second quarter of 2018 onwards. 2. Financial Technology
the market. With these factors, the company is assured that J FinTech Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary will have the better operation prospects from the second quarter of 2018 onwards. 2. Financial Technology
secondary schools and vocational training infrastructures including: • Construction and/or renovation of related buildings and facilities • Dedicated programm Access to essential services (education) Youth in
MOISTURIZING SERUM 8. PRETTIIFACE PORE-FECTING SERUM 9. PRETTIIFACE WINK BRIGHT WHITENING SERUM 10. PRETTIIFACE YOUTH-IFUL SERUM สินคำ้ที่ออกใหม่ดังกล่ำวมีกำรใชส้ื่อโฆษณำที่เหมำะสมกับกลุ่มลกูคำ้เผ่ือแนะน ำสิน
. Underserved, owing to a lack of quality access to essential goods and services 7. Unemployed 8. Women and/or sexual and gender minorities 9. Aging populations and vulnerable youth 10. Other vulnerable groups
. Unemployed 8. Women and/or sexual and gender minorities 9. Aging populations and vulnerable youth 10. Other vulnerable groups, including as a result of natural disasters There are several categories and sets
SHR’s hotels with same warmth and hospitality, but with assured safety and hygiene procedures, and most flexible booking terms possible. SHR also believes that tourists from domestic market will firstly
-term targets that are third party assured and science-based, across the investment industry. Lobbying Ensure that all lobbying activities carried out by the investor are aligned with all the goals of the
THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE Sustainability Report discloses on its externally assured GHG emissions. This disclosure is a good example of how a company can be clear on the methods used and scope of
years, starting from June 2016. Wattanapat Hospital Trang Public Company Limited would be assured. None None The transaction was in accordance with the terms and conditions of the financial institution in