("GISP") (Master Contract). This contract identified the subsidiary paying assignment fee to GISP, but this fee was transferred back to Mr. Aran. Later, the subsidiary entered into additional
") (Master Contract). This contract identified the subsidiary paying assignment fee to GISP, but this fee was transferred back to Mr. Aran. Later, the subsidiary entered into additional contract in
among MODERN, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) by through the assignment of the involving in Securities Purchaser transaction
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 22 July to 18
, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 25 August to 1
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 27 July to 5
www.ucity.co.th Ref. No. U.SET 022/2017 November 16, 2017 Subject : Disposal of shares in a subsidiary and assignment of claim on its promissory notes To : The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand U City Public
credit rating assignment by international CRAs established under foreign law, and the bonds must receive an issue rating not lower than the investment-grade level. This does not apply to private placements
from AMC, and the assignment of such rights to DCH Co., Ltd., instead of N-PARK, by Mr. Jaruthavee without seeking approvals from the company?s Board of Directors and shareholders, had caused damage to N