and the price war situation. Net revenue of Q4/2018 is at 244.40 million baht. If comparing revenue of Q4/2018 with Q4/2017, current revenue is higher for 53.01 million baht because of consolidating
Public Company Limited (“the Company”) started consolidating operating results from the acquisition of TBSP Public Company Limited (“TBSP”) from 4 April 2018, and reported an increase in total revenues of
equal to 1.95% of compensation value, and the combining the value of asset acquisition during 6 months is equal to 6.34%. The transaction is also the middle size of related transaction of listed company
exemption for the discontinued business. This is to support determination of fees that reflects supervisory costs and reduce costs of intermediaries. In any case, when combining all fees to be paid annually
was selected to assess sustainable development progress for the listed companies in consistent with the Institute?s ?collaborative effort? in combining strength and expertise of each organization to
Note:* Combining the annual registration statement (Form 56-1) and the annual report (Form 56-2) into one report.
shareholders. Such ordinary shares comprise par value of Baht 1.00 per share. Shares are offered in the price of Baht 0.14 per share aggregating to total amount of Baht 69,358,353.40. The shares increment is
. When combining with the transaction of disposal of asset during the period of 6 months prior to the date on which the Company’s Board of Directors has approved to disposal of Subsidiary’s ordinary shares
has already sold to all third parties since 1st May 2019). After combining revenues of both companies together and 5 comparing with the previous year, revenue has increased and cost is reduced
Eighteen Thousand and Four Hundred Baht) , when combining the value of this connected transaction with the connected transactions between the Company and the Lessor over the past six months, the total value