assistant auditors with an academic qualification of not lower than a bachelor’s degree, at a total number of not less than five persons. Such auditors and assistant auditors shall work full time for the
supervisor of investment advisory company responsible for issuing rules for preventing conflict of interest, internal control of such investment advisory company, including the supervision of advisors to
business.? The objectives of the rule-amendment are to promote flexibility and prevent conflict of interest. The proposal has undergone series of discussions with various stakeholders including securities
information among work units and personnel; and internal control measures to audit and counterbalance the operation and to prevent any transactions which may give rise to a conflict of interest, including
access to inside information among work units and personnel; and internal control measures to audit and counterbalance the operation and to prevent any transactions which may give rise to a conflict of
and personnel; and internal control measures to audit and counterbalance the operation and to prevent any transactions which may give rise to a conflict of interest, including keeping documents and
“Brand New Wind – Impact of Fintech on Financial and Academic Sectors” โดยผู้แทนจากทั้งจากภาคเอกชนและภาควิชาการร่วมแสดงทัศนะเกี่ยวกับทิศทาง และผลกระทบจากเทคโนโลยีการเงินที่มีผลต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงของภูมิ
Development Administration (NIDA) Director-Ph.D. program in Finance, Flexible MBA, English MBA-NIDA Business School Director-Center for Business Innovation-NIDA Business School Member of Academic Council
follows: Protection of shareholders' right and fair treatment of shareholders Transparent and fair shareholding structure; Directors, executives and major shareholders do not have conflict of interests or
management company should treat all clients fairly and refrain from taking any action that may cause the conflict of interest except where a transaction is executed having received consent from the client or