” in current total is 130,348 kiosks, increasing 17.9% YoY. The usage amount from mobile top-up and money transfer are still growing. Other online top-up and payments are growing up such as e-Wallet top
discontinued while overall data price gradually uplifted. As a result, AIS’s mobile revenue had a strong improvement, growing 5.3% YoY and 4.3% QoQ driven by ARPU increase. The average data usage, currently at
%. However, the company's business is still growing at about 1.50 percent. Therefore, the company has a policy of increasing business opportunities and expect to become a distributor for the additional channel
Bt33,903mn, growing 1.8% YoY and 1.1% QoQ from a recovery in mobile and broadband businesses executed with the focus on profitability through quality and value offerings backed by superior network quality
, supported by handset subsidies and attractive price plans. Fixed broadband revenue was Bt1,288mn increasing 27% YoY and 6.3% QoQ driven by growing subscriber base with a net addition of 64,500 subscribers
of 85% YoY and 6% QoQ while subscribers rose to 571,800 or a net addition of 50,600. Put more focus on convergence and EBITDA generation Given the growing fixed broadband and increasing popularity of
reported core service revenue of Bt34,080mn, increasing 2.9% YoY and 0.5% QoQ from a quality growth of fixed broadband business and a rebound in non-mobile enterprise business. FBB business continued a
Flexible packaging still continue growing compared to last year, due to the market size increased of the company in the past few months, the Covid-19 effects the rice industry operators to increased their
Rationale • Deepens the Bank’s presence in Indonesia, the largest ASEAN economy with GDP of US$1.04 trillion3 and 267 million population with young working age population, growing middle and upper income
underpinned by growing postpaid segment. Voice revenue was Bt10,351mn, decreasing 17% YoY and 6.6% QoQ from voice-data cannibalization. Non-voice revenue was Bt19,570mn, increasing 21% YoY and 4.6% QoQ