& Compliance Management 4. Regional Payment & Settlement 5. Data Analytics 6. Cyber Security 7. Performing Talent and Agile Organization 8. Modern World Class Technology Capability STRONG TRUSTWORTHY BRAND
have dependable capabilities and experiences in power industry. Board members are competent persons from diverse business areas, many of whom are knowledgeable and long-time experienced in energy and
. EGCO personnel have dependable capabilities and experiences in power industry. Board members are from diversified business expertise, with extensive knowledge and long-time experienced in energy and
financial information is the foundation of a strong capital market, accounting professions in Thailand, such as accountants and auditors, play a critical role in providing reliable financial reports to the
company, both financial and non-financial, is disclosed correctly, completely and transparently on a timely basis through easy-to-access channels that are fair and trustworthy. 5. The Responsibilities of
company, both financial and non-financial, is disclosed correctly, completely and transparently on a timely basis through easy-to-access channels that are fair and trustworthy. 5. The Responsibilities of
CRITERIA LFGITIMATE Trustworthy Accountable ACCESSIBLE Known Variety of access points Assistance to overcome barriers PREDICTABLE Clear procedures Clear timeframes EQUITABLE Fair access to information
company, both financial and non-financial, is disclosed correctly, completely and transparently on a timely basis through easy-to-access channels that are fair and trustworthy. 5. The Responsibilities of
company, both financial and non-financial, is disclosed correctly, completely and transparently on a timely basis through easy-to-access channels that are fair and trustworthy. 5. The Responsibilities of
Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (set up by the European Commission). Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI. https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/ ethics-guidelines-trustworthy-ai ธ น า ค