overall selling price decrease, especially for Caustic Soda due to the fall of its market price trend, plus impact from appreciation of Thai Baht against US Dollar. However, those negative impacts were
overall selling price decrease, especially for Caustic Soda due to the fall of its market price trend, plus impact from lower sales volume due to scheduled maintenance and the power supply outage in
Crude Palm Oil Trading Business Group 1. Revenue from sales and services - CPOA CPOA business of the Company in the amount of 303.33 million baht due to the capital increase as working capital in CPOA
Rule”). Currently, the Company focus on the business expansion of the crude palm oil (CPOA) trading business for biodiesel as there is a high potential growth and will partially conducting a trading CPOA
from overseas. The Company expects that the trend hot rolled steel import decreased and to have confidence in domestic market which will have a direction to improve in the future. In addition, the
in the tables above, the fluctuation in downward trend lead to set the allowance for devaluation of inventories as of 30 September 2018 for THB 6.77 million since crude palm oil price was continuously
affected by the year round global oil price fluctuation, especially in the last quarter which oil price plunged drastically. Moreover, the refinery recorded lower crude run due to its 45 days turnaround
affected by the decline in most of the finished product and crude oil crack spreads, as a result of the oversupply situation in finished oil products, and the anxieties over the trade war between the US and
Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 1Q2018, Domestic palm oil production has increased as well as in other countries after the drought occurred in FY2016, consequence to lower Crude Palm Oil(CPO) prices and
price of crude and finished product to make its downward trend. With demand for fuel consumption declining across the globe, combined with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [ OPEC] and