นักงำน ผู้ลงทุนสถำบนัมีศักยภำพในกำรลงทุน/กำรรับควำมเสี่ยง (sophisticated) และดูแลตนเองได้ ประกอบกบัหลักเกณฑ์ปจัจบุัน อนุญำตใหผู้้ลงทนุสถำบันสำมำรถรับข้อมูลหรือค ำแนะน ำ กำรลงทุนจำกผูป้ระกอบกำรต่ำงประเทศ
กรณีท่ีเป็น การเสนอขายหลกัทรัพยต่์อผูล้งทุนในกลุ่มแรก (sophisticated investor) ซ่ึงไดรั้บการสันนิษฐานวา่เป็น ผูล้งทุนท่ีมีความรู้ความเขา้ใจในเร่ืองความเส่ียงท่ีเกิดจากการลงทุน กฎเกณฑท่ี์ก ากบัดูแลจึงผอ่น
caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves based on their conditions. Even though our sales volume of energy drinks under
high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves
setting of energy drink market as well as the relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators that these altogether could cause us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go
from data analytics, enabled banks to target, attract and engage customers using more sophisticated techniques. Banks cooperated with potential partners across industries to gain new opportunities and
shares may notify the Company to claim for damages from such director. Nevertheless, if the Company refrains from claiming as per notification of the shareholders, such shareholders may initiate a legal
(ThaiCERT). Given the more sophisticated cyber risks, financial institutions as service providers, and customers as users, are increasingly vulnerable to losses. In terms of cyber security readiness, however
sophisticated machine learning. JEL Classification: C45, G34, M14 Keywords: corporate culture, board gender diversity, female directors, corporate governance, machine learning, textual analysis, agency theory 2
Limited have mutually accepted the certificate of recognition in “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as the organization providing cooperation to initiate the concept of investments for social