increase by 10.7 MB or 57.5% y-o-y consisting of revenue from space rental of “The Brio Mall” which plans for site development plan, screens more variety of shops including setting up interesting activities
of revenue from space rental of “The Brio Mall” which plans for site development plan, screens more variety of shops including setting up interesting activities to meet the target group and recognize
หรอื รอ้ยละ 8.06 โดยสว่นใหญม่าจาก คา่ใชจ้่ายจากธุรกจิของกลุ่มบรษิทั แอรโ์รคลาส ในต่างประเทศ ไดแ้ก ่คา่ใชจ้่ายในการจดัตัง้รา้นคา้ ของตนเอง (Corporate shops) และคา่ใชจ้่ายของ Flexiglass ซึง่ไดซ้ือ้กจิการ
. In this regard, the SEC urges investors wishing to invest in gold that (1) in case of real gold trading, they should deal with gold shops or companies with guaranteed delivery, and (2) in case of gold
Loan) business for Boonterm kiosk’s Master Agents (MAs), sub-agents, MAs’ employees, and FSMART affiliated companies’ employees. Starting distribution business to mom-and-pop shops. 6 Forth Smart
. Expanding lending (PL Loan) business for Boonterm kiosk’s Master Agents (MAs), sub-agents, MAs’ employees, and FSMART affiliated companies’ employees. Expanding distribution business to mom-and-pop shops
Agents (MAs), sub-agents, MAs’ employees, and FSMART affiliated companies’ employees. • Expanding distribution business to mom-and-pop shops and starting petrol kiosk business. 6 Forth Smart Service Public
Company had ELEGA showroom which currently been closed all including the adjustment of business plan for the product distribution of the retail shops and wholesales shops nationwide. 3. Profit for the
for Boonterm kiosk’s Master Agents (MAs), sub-agents, MAs’ employees, and FSMART affiliated companies’ employees. Expanding distribution business to mom-and-pop shops and starting petrol kiosk
for the product distribution of the retail shops and wholesales shops nationwide. The financial cost has been increasing not only the issuance and offering of the debentures since June this year with