. Of this, 23 billion baht shall be issued by the end of 2006 and the rest by April 10, 2007. Source: The Public Debt Management Office, the Ministry of Finance.
of 852 million baht with a juristic person. Later, PICNI?s financial statement for Q1/2006 stated that the company had terminated the agreement with return of partial deposit, while the rest was set as
short selling transactions, whether originating from foreign or domestic activities, cause the prices to deviate from the normal market conditions, the public can rest assured that the SEC can and will
ประเภทเอา๊ทเ์ลท โดยสนิคา้ทีว่างจ าหน่ายภายในเอ๊าทเ์ลทนัน้ เป็นสนิคา้อปุโภคภายใตต้ราสนิคา้ของบรษัิทแบง่เป็นกลุม่ สนิคา้ Apparel ภายใตแ้บรนด ์Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC และกลุม่สนิคา้ Non-Apparel ภาย
ประเภทเอา๊ทเ์ลท โดยสนิคา้ทีว่างจ าหน่ายภายในเอ๊าทเ์ลทนัน้ เป็นสนิคา้อปุโภคภายใตต้ราสนิคา้ของบรษัิทแบง่เป็นกลุม่ สนิคา้ Apparel ภายใตแ้บรนด ์Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC และกลุม่สนิคา้ Non-Apparel ภาย
goods sold where the rest is booked under the Selling and administrative expenses 3. Selling and administrative expenses was increased by 222.8 million Baht or 12.2 % mainly cause by additional expenses
rest when traveling to Thailand or for further rent as a result, the amount of room transfers increased from the previous year. 2. The total expenses amounted to Baht 28.59 million, an increase of Baht
repurchasing of houses from customers, totaling 247 million baht. The rest about 88 million baht came from 1. Repair works for utility about 13 million baht, 2. Provision set aside for lawsuit about 19 million
proven resilient in the past and we expect this to continue into the rest of 2019. The main lime consuming sectors of the industry were not immune to the disruption: the sugar cane harvest was down after a
export markets as planned. In Q2 2020, the Company has combined 49 days revenue of Thai Marble Corp., Ltd. For the rest of 2020, the Company will see the full impact of the Thai Marble acquisition when the