condition that the companies have in place a robust conflict-of-interest preventive system. In addition, the SEC procedure for approval of securities company executives, fund managers and investor contacts
membership. By providing high quality technical assistance, education and training, and research to its members and other regulators, IOSCO seeks to build sound global capital markets and a robust global
enhance corporate governance of listed firms. Such is a robust foundation for quality products and confidence in the Thai capital market amid tougher international competition. The SEC operation will be
and efficiency of the capital market. This will contribute to the robust and sustainable growth of the economy. We envision opportunities for developing the Thai capital market to support the
markets went into a tailspin, whereas turbulence was seen in manufacturing, service and tourism sectors, which in turn dampened domestic spending sentiment. The situation adversely affected the government’s
LIMITED 3) LOGISTICS Positive Sentiment from Kerry Express Plan’s to Initial Public Offerings Shareholding Structure 3) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 4) AWARD AND RECOGNITION
of infrastructure investment such as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), mass transit trains and high-speed railways will bolster business sentiment. Moreover, there are indications that suggest
, technologies & market sentiment may increase reputation risks related to greenwashing Economy and financial system feedback effects F in a n c ia ls ys te m co n ta g io n 19 Mandatory Disclosure As of March
this factor for investors to ensure climate action is undertaken within a supportive and robust governance framework. The fantastic level of engagement from workshop participants was very encouraging
investing in our human resources and work systems to lay down a robust foundation for becoming a self-regulatory organization of IOSCO standard. This effort will elevate professional standards of securities