, declined from QoQ which reported at 39.7%. The decrement was due to the selling of decorative items continuously grew from the 1st quarter. The Company reported total expenses and cost of Baht 489.0 million
result, the Corporate Group could not sell its products to the export market or through modern trade stores. In addition, the consumers have put off decision for purchasing new homes in housing projects
gain (loss) 6.67 7.63 (12.65) Other income 3.80 11.42 (66.77) Total revenues 2,031.10 2,166.69 (6.26) Cost of goods sold 1,385.47 1,398.20 (0.91) Temporary shutdown expenses 75.92 159.15 (52.29
loss while same period of last year has net profit by Baht 53 million. Total revenue from sales and services increased by Baht 1,569 million or 22% YoY due to sale increase together with selling price
investments in associates and JVs /3 Excluding FX impact and one-time gain/(loss) items During 2018, the Company had reported net profit of THB 2,906.8 mm, which decreased by THB 359.6 mm or 11.0%, compared to
just 0.9 percent in 2018 which not able to cover selling and administrations expenses of the Company. In addition, in 2017 the company had realized gain from debt restructuring by converting major
Company sign compromise agreement with some creditors, and the Company gets extension for the repayment and interest haircut, so the Company recorded gain from compromise debt. Selling expenses Total
45.4% from 39.9% in previous year. Selling and administration expense. Selling and administration expense (“SG&A”) closed at 97.39 mb (2017: 82.75 mb), an increase of 14.64 mb or 17.7 %. SG&A is composed
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not able to cover selling and administrations expenses of the Company. In addition, in 2017 the company had realized gain from debt restructuring by converting major portion of trade debts into equity