Microsoft Word - MD&A SET Q1'2020 ENG.doc Page 1 of 2 May 14, 2020 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the period ended March 31 ,2020 To: Director and Manager of the Stock Exchange of
investment. The conducts of all three contravened rules and regulations set forth in the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. In particular, both {D} and {A} failed to properly discharge
Bangkok, December 24, 2013 - The SEC will not consider an application for approval as capital market personnel in case of {A}, a former securities investment consultant of Thanachart Securities Plc
Bangkok, November 17, 2014 ?The SEC revoked the approval of Nakul Chaiyanil, a former fund manager for ten years for failure to perform his duty with honesty in relation to management of 101 Montri
Earlier, the Civil Penalty Consideration Committee resolved to apply civil sanctions against Mr. A for obstructing and failing to set up a board of directors meeting and a shareholders meeting to
Bangkok, February 21, 2012 - The Appeal Court overturned the judgment of the Court of First Instance on November 24, 2006 that dismissed Theeratchanon Lapvisutisin, former Managing Director and
Microsoft Word - MD&A-9M2018-set-e R mh.doc _investment_.doc 1 Ref: CSO. 038/2018 Date: 8th November 2018 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30th September 2018 Attention
Microsoft Word - SET-AIS-CP 007-2020 Acquisition of spectrum license.docx (Translation) AIS-CP 007/2020 19 February 2020 Subject: Acquisition of spectrum license To: President The Stock Exchange of
set up full allowance for impairment for Thanh Cong investment prior to the sale, and reversed such expense in the profit and loss in the same period. The Company recognized share of profit from
Bangkok, June 11, 2009 ? With reference to the recent news reports on the questionable trading activities of Wisit Tantisunthorn, former Secretary-General of the Government Pension Fund (GPF), which