รายงานอตัราส่วนทีม่ีนัยสําคัญทางการเงิน ประจํารอบปีบัญชีส้ินสุดวันที่ 31 เดือน ธันวาคม ปี 2564 ของบริษัท ควอลติีเ้ฮ้าส์ จํากดั (มหาชน) รายการ ปี 2564 อตัราส่วนสภาพคล่องหมุนเร็ว (quick ratio) (เท่า
know-your-customer requirement or e-KYC via online methods. The use of authentication and verification under the National Digital ID (NDID) system will make it convenient, quick and reliable to open
new route from Chiang Mai-Hanoi since March 2018. However, an impact of China’s economic sluggish together with the boat accident in Phuket, the Company has to decrease its flight Samui to Chongqing
, while the company’s total sales volume was slightly lower. When compared to Q2/2017, revenue decreased by 9% QoQ, mainly attributed to the company’s sluggish total sales volume during the low season
sluggish effecting from Trade War which impacted the global economic sentiment. However, the Thai economy is attributed mainly by number of factors, namely 1.) Growth in Tourism sector particularly in 2H19 2
pandemic of the Covid-19 virus and sluggish economy affected to undermine purchasing power and confidence of consumers, temporary stores closed according to Emergency Decree Government Administration in
: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Finansa Public https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/Download?FILEID=dat/news/201807/18064347.pdf MergedFile 1.47 million baht or 28.26% due to the sluggish
Ratio Item Unit Y2019 Y2018 Y2017 1.Current Ratio Times 11.21 9.28 9.42 2.Quick Ratio Times 2.06 1.38 3.16 3.Collection Period Day 33 33 46 4.Payment Period Day 74 84 96 5.Sales Inventory Period Day 723
8.48 M.Bht 2. Financial Status and Major Financial Ratio Item Unit Y2017 Y2016 Y2015 1.Current Ratio Times 9.42 5.86 1.98 2.Quick Ratio Times 3.16 2.70 0.68 3.Collection Period Day 46 41 43 4.Payment
Times 9.28 9.42 5.86 2.Quick Ratio Times 1.38 3.16 2.70 3.Collection Period Day 33 46 41 4.Payment Period Day 84 96 76 5.Sales Inventory Period Day 660 466 272 6.Fixed Asset Turnover Times 2.7 1.98 2.01 7