ปฏิบติัไดต้รงกนั ส านกังานจึงขอซกัซอ้มความเขา้ใจในเร่ืองต่าง ๆ ดงัน้ี (1) การก าหนดเวลาในการรับค าส่ังซ้ือขายหน่วยลงทุน (“cut off time”) บริษทัหลกัทรัพยจ์ดัการกองทุน (“บลจ.”) และบริษทันายหนา้ซ้ือขาย
เรื่องต่าง ๆ ดังนี้ (1) การกำหนดเวลาในการรับคำสั่งซื้อขายหน่วยลงทุน (“cut off time”) บริษัทหลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุน (“บลจ.”) และบริษัทนายหน้าซื้อขายหน่วย
bonds. This will remove procedures and cut unnecessary costs. Offerings to institutional investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms, as well as their directors and employees, will be able to
of December 2020. In any case, to be eligible for the waiver or the rate cut of annual fee, the securities issuers must not have a record of criminal fining or criminal complaint for failure to
assets, including government or corporate bonds and deposits. The asset management companies might offer investors certain options on terms and payout periods or allowed them to customize their own
of Thailand cut the ceiling rates of interest rates on credit card from 18% to 16% per annum and personal loan from 28% to 25% per annum, effective from August 1, 2020 onwards. On the other hand, our
) There might not be enough necessary information disclosed for investors.(3) The product above may lack of liquidity for trading with cash or other products Currently, there is no approved digital
) There might not be enough necessary information disclosed for investors.(3) The product above may lack of liquidity for trading with cash or other products Currently, there is no approved digital
access to the information regarding changes of the outsourced companies which might affect the business, or the provisions stipulating that the business providers must have necessary resources and
services that may involve with electronic units named "DB coin" or "DB token", blockchain systems and other businesses.Those actions might be considered as persuading and issuing newly issued securities