seminar, the SEC will have a follow-up questionnaire to survey the readiness of securities business operators and derivatives brokers for compliance with IFRS/IAS and to gather the problems and concerns of
supervision of major shareholder reflects the actual controlling person, and is seeking public comments from stakeholders to gather and take into consideration the comments for the appropriate revision of
and suitability of ICO portal supervision.The SEC will draft amendments regarding the above matters to gather feedback from stakeholders before issuing notifications of the amendments for enforcement in
the offering of capital shares to the group of persons and the price thereof as mentioned above to gather complete information before making a decision and passing a resolution
submit comments via the SEC website or email: and The public hearing ends on 27 March 2021. The SEC will also conduct a live talk to gather public opinions on the
SEC later conducted a public hearing to gather views and suggestions on the matter from stakeholders during February – March 2023. The finalized amendment to the equity allocation regulations* has
restructuring, gradual debt repayment and capital increase which will help raise its BIS ratio to 30 percent, adequate for business undertaking and higher than the minimum legal requirement of 8 percent, the CMSB
financial statements on cost of sales and inventories which revealed lack of efficiency and reliability of AIE internal control system. The auditor was thus unable to gather sufficient evidence for such
’ equity falls below zero. In case of any irregular trading activity, SET is the frontline inspector and, if it is considered a liable offense, will gather information for SEC to conduct in-depth inspection
and exercise their voting right to protect their own interest as well as seek clarification from the company’s executives to gather complete information for decision making. In any case, due to the