Under the existing regulations, each business operator allows to prepare the customer complaints’ handling report in its own style and classify the type of complaints as it deems appropriate. Such variations have caused SEC extra time on processing the data for regulatory use. In addition, the current regulation which requires the operator to submit the report in paper form to SEC has incurred an undue burden to the business. SEC, therefore, proposes to amend the regulations by requiring...
Facebook page “Popular gold stocks” impersonates “HUA SENG HENG Co., Ltd.” : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 19/07/2024)
, which will serve as another important milestone reflecting the strong relationship between the SECC and SEC Thailand. During this meeting, the SECC and SEC Thailand also agreed to enhance the strong
bond does not specify a redemption period and thus may require that investors hold such bond longer than general debt securities. Additionally, SEC aims to enhance the efficiency of the sale process
in case of complaints or issues on misconduct of directors or executives of listed companies under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) to enhance flexibility of work process and
Presently, several companies are interested to raise fund through digital token offer to finance their investment in office buildings or condominiums which will later be rented for income shared to holders of digital tokens or real estate-backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered an enforcement of investors’ rights in some issues which are activities occurring outside blockchain...
enhance the efficiency of the existing provident funds. Essentially, the key principles of the amendments are as follows: 1. Fund management and structure: e.g., revising provisions to support the
association and the directors of TIA’s Shareholder Rights Protection Volunteer Club, and discussed the ways to enhance shareholder and investor rights protection in response to the changes in capital market
On 15 November 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Baord Meeting No. 11/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposal for amendment to the regulations on equity allocation to promote clarity. The SEC later conducted a public hearing to gather views and suggestions on the matter from stakeholders during February – March 2023. The finalized amendment to the equity allocation regulations* has recently been issued. Essentially, an equity issuing company is required to comply with the following pr...