ตราสาร 3.ขาย 6.รายงานการไถ่ถอน/ใช้สิทธิ 4.รายงานผลการขาย พร้อมแบบ Feature** 5.ไถ่ถอน/ใช้สิทธิ ภายใน 15 วนันบัแตว่นัปิดการเสนอขาย หมายเหตุ: P* : ส่ง hard copy เฉพาะหนา้รบัรองความถกูตอ้ง Online : ส่งขอ้มลู
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million baht. As detail following Million Baht Description Second Quarter 2019 Second Quarter 2020 Differentiate Consolidate Joint Venture Total Consolidate Joint Venture Total Real estate transferred
results were, Description 1H/2016 1H/2017 Differentiate (Unit: Million THB) Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Operating Revenue Income from Sales of real estate 991.3 97.14 2,024.2 98.53 1,032.9
operating results were, Description First Quarter 2018 First Quarter 2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from sales of real estate 1,986.7 80.3 3,000.4 86.9 1,013.7
were, Description Quarter2/2018 Quarter2/2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from sales of real estate 3,625.9 86.7 2,825.8 84.7 (800.1) (22.1) Revenues from
quarter ended March 31st, 2018. The operating results were, Description First Quarter 2017 First Quarter 2018 Differentiate (Unit: Million THB) Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues
, 2018. The operating results were, Description 1H/2017 1H/2018 Differentiate (Unit: Million THB) Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenue Revenues from sales of real estate 2,024.2 98.5 5,612.6