project in Patong Phuket Patong project in Patong Phuket is worth Baht 1,800 million. The Company has the idea of developing land and utilities, roads, water systems, electricity and recreation in this
มาเสนอ idea และสนใจเข้ามามีบทบาทในเรื่อง STO กันอยู่หลายราย วันนี้ผมเลยขอถือโอกาสมาชวนคุยเรื่องนี้เพ่ิมเติมครับ แน่นอนว่า ก.ล.ต. เห็นศักยภาพของ STO ที่สามารถเปลี่ยนโฉมวิธีการท าธุรกรรมและการประกอบ
November 1 , 2018, The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the Company for acquisition of land without a building at Phuket worth Baht 1,800 million. The Company has the idea of developing land
-31.05.62-world07-04-2019 is in the process of design and construction With the idea to develop land and utilities, roads, water systems, electrical and recreational systems in this large area To be a center
Microsoft Word - Q4-31.05.62-world07-04-2019 is in the process of design and construction With the idea to develop land and utilities, roads, water systems, electrical and recreational systems in this large
Theeraworn said: “SMEs and capital market seem normally irrelevant. Many SME entrepreneurs have no idea about capital market or think that capital market is for big companies. SEC sees this gap and therefore
mechanism to protect investors corresponds with how business operates today whereby business operators need to put investors first. The idea [of investor protection] becomes clearer and more concrete as
is in the process of design and construction With the idea to develop land and utilities, roads, water systems, electrical and recreational systems in this large area To be a center for tourists Which
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Well Being พนักงาน 900,000 - 25 Innovative Culture 700,000 - 26 ประเมินความพร้อมพนักงานด้านสมรรถนะในการสร้างนวัตกรรม (Innovative Idea) 500,000 - รวม 144,952,030 20,567,635 14 3/3