permit another to produce fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the accused
fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the accused failed and the statute of
Mr. Lee Wolff Mr. Lee Wolff, the former managing director of Circuit Electronics Industries Plc. (“CIRKIT”), conspired with other executives of CIRKIT to commit or permit another to produce fraud
CIRKIT to commit or permit another to produce fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to
, the audit firms should always consider fundamental factors, such as audit partner’s capabilities and experiences. During the 2015 audit inspection, the SEC found that complicated audit engagements of
2033 9999 or e-mail: Facebook page for investor education “start-to-invest" and "Happy PVD" SEC and Investors Be Wary of Investment Fraud Investment Governance Code for
companies; Ensuring fair treatment to shareholders of a takeover target company; Enforcing cases of corporate fraud; Supervising business operators to take care of investors with fair and reliability
fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (d) investment units of a mutual fund of which the fund's net exposure in commodities is made through its
Commission concerning Additional Rules for Mutual Fund Investing in Derivatives and Credit Linked Notes; (c) investment units of a mutual fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way
potential performance and risks (e.g. hedge funds, hybrid securities, structured products, investment units of a mutual fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund