generate higher income, and this scheme will complete at the end of this year. The usage amounts from money transfer are continually growing driven by a decrease of the number of banks’ branch then customers
assets of Bt3,852.52mn, decreasing 1.6% compared to total assets last year, mainly due to emphasizing in efficient Boonterm kiosk location strategy in 2018 rather than emphasizing on expanding the kiosks
growing and becoming an important factor for driving the economy and the prosperity of the country due to its direct involvement with customers, business partners, shareholders or creditors, while the
The meeting discussed important developments and course of actions in overseeing and developing the capital markets of member jurisdictions. For instances, issues around harmful but legal conduct
(CSRC), Financial Reporting Council (FRC Hong Kong) and SEC Thailand. The meeting discussed the inspection process development, deficiencies found during audit quality inspection and initiatives in
, as well as discussion to establish an action plan relating to privacy protection and cybersecurity. Building capacity of Stakeholders Developing sustainable growth of the capital market Expanding
Mr.Yingyong Nilasena, directors and advisors, together with members of the Shareholders’ Proxy Volunteer Club, to discuss collaboration in developing and enhancing the protection of shareholders’ and
, held a joint meeting to discuss and exchange views on strategies for promoting, developing, and supervising digital assets, including the involvement of the government, the Thai Digital Asset
Forum Deputies’ Meeting to follow up on the progress of ACMF Working Groups, which facilitate cooperation among key regional organizations in developing regional capital markets linkage and
The 31st ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Meeting today in Phuket discussed the progress of ACMF initiatives on sustainability, connectivity and resilience. The initiative on developing a Roadmap