in contacting investors in each category the company is required to assign separate personnel to do the task. This causes inflexibility in providing services to investors and overlapping with respect
/2558, mentioning the offering which the shareholders resolved to assign the Board of 7 Directors to determine the offering price of shares based on the market price whereby the determination of the
between SEC Thailand and SECC in addition to the MOU signed in 2014. This MOU covers the establishment and functions of the task force between SEC Thailand and the SECC to work on the process of
Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Chor. 72/2558, mentioning the offering which the shareholders resolved to assign the Board of Directors to determine the offering price of shares based on the market price
” means a manager of the branch office or a person responsible for the operation of a branch office; “ fund manager ” means a mutual fund manager or a private fund manager who performs the duty of making
operation of a branch office; “fund manager” means a mutual fund manager or a private fund manager who performs the duty of making decisions on investment in or disposing of securities or any other asset
which the shareholders resolved to assign the Board of Directors to determine the offering price of shares based on the market price whereby the determination of the offering price must be based on the
a manager of the branch office or a person responsible for the operation of a branch office. “fund manager” means a mutual fund manager or a private fund manager who performs the duty of making
Zipmex Company Limited Zipmex Company Limited ("Zipmex"), a digital asset exchange and a digital asset broker, has been failing to report a summary of the assignment of other persons to
The SEC?s new appointments are as follows: Name of Executives New Assignment 1. Mrs.Paralee Sukonthaman 1/ Director, Enforcement Department Director, Broker-Dealer Supervision