qualifying requirement in the contest this year. Additionally, the SEC will grant the winner an Excellent PVD plaque, which is a reward for the provident fund with high development in technology that reached
cooperation on AGM assessment and they subsequently made satisfactory outcomes this year. It is very challenging for those excellent companies to maintain their high standards. For those yet to attain the high
- ) For operating result of 1Q/2020, ended 31 March 2020 Raimon Land Plc. | 14 May 2020 2 / 6 The Company has debenture and bills of exchange (BE) which will become mature in June and July 2020, having the
0.38 4. Excellent Rubber Co.,ltd 141,272 3.85 12. Vitayasithi Co.,Ltd. 13,875 0.38 5.WBLP Co.,Ltd. 40,000 1.09 13. Thai Wacoal Plc. 13,875 0.38 6. Ramasorn Thaveekarn Co., Ltd. 23,125 0.63 14. Sariraporn
On August 28, 2017, the Company issued and offered 2,000,000 units of 3-year debentures with a par value of Baht 1,000 each, totaling Baht 2,000 million. The debentures will be mature on August 28
ควำมเส่ียงและควำมเสียหำยในระดบัหน่ึงแลว้ - เพื่อใหเ้หมำะสมกบัสถำนะของ SMEs/startups ท่ี ระดมทุนผำ่น crowdfunding ซ่ึงยงัอำจไม่สำมำรถ รับภำระค่ำใชจ่้ำยต่ำงๆ ไดเ้ท่ำ issuers ท่ีมีขนำดใหญ่/ mature กวำ่ ส ำ
proceeds of this Transaction UWC expects to apply the proceeds derived from this Transaction as follows: 1. Repayment of secured bonds worth THB 300 million which will become mature in March 2021; 2
Thailand and Malaysia is less mature and hence, providing greater opportunities. The growth in Financial solution has slowed in 2018, our resources were tied up in delivering the implementation for orders we
million. The debentures will be mature on August 28, 2020. The coupon rate is 4.5% per annum. The objectives of issuing the debentures are a) investment in the new projects, b) repayment of debts, and c
. The debentures will be mature on August 28, 2020. The coupon rate is 4.5% per annum. The objectives of issuing the debentures are a) investment in the new projects, b) repayment of debts, and c) working