been fully utilized. Furthermore, STARK lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information
lacked retained earnings or sufficient liquidity to carry out the share repurchase project as disclosed. Such act was deemed a dissemination of false information or details that could materially mislead
: elements of crime will be revised to be more concise and comprehensible as well as extended to cover non-insider who traded securities by using inside information obtained from others;2) Dissemination of
securities businesses, dissemination of standard reference prices, acting as bond information center for both the primary and secondary markets, as well as posting news and investor alerts promptly. Moreover
reduced Market GRM, following the decline in refinery production volume due to the TAM, as well as a decrease in average Gasoline/Dubai crack spread and Fuel oil/Dubai crack spread, and the rise in crude
a historic high rate of 123.5 KBD during this past September. Meanwhile, Operating GRM declined by 1.69 $/BBL from the previous year, which was affected by the crack spread of finished product and
Companies: Good decisions lead to good reporting Where do we go from here? • Embedding impact in business as usual • Create a common language to redefine capitalism for players in the capital markets
who have to postpone their annual general shareholders’ meeting – and are subsequently unable to appoint an auditor – due to the spread of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). In this regard, CMSB
controlling the spread of fake news. The SEC was one of the 10 award recipients selected from over 400 organizations. The event was held at Centara Life Government Complex Hotel & Convention Centre Chaeng
television programs. In 2006, the "Inside SEC" television/radio program was launched for wider dissemination of market Annual Report 2003