and its subsidiaries recorded total EBITDA of THB 2,514 million (-38% YoY, -38% QoQ), the performance softened, especially for Refinery Business, which was affected by the continuously lowering crude
still affected by the oil price volatility in the global market. Despite the crude oil price recovery, the average crack spread between finished product and referenced crude oil price continues to decline
. Total GRM increased by 5% YoY and 17% QoQ from the improved Market GRM that rose due to significant increase of production after the turnaround maintenance (TAM) , combined with crude cost that benefited
). Total Gross Refinery Margin (Total GRM) rose 67% YoY and 26% QoQ, while Market GRM lowered from the decreasing production volume. Moreover, the average crude price adjusted upward in the quarter, leading
| 2 Executive Summary In 3Q/2019, overall palm oil production and crude palm oil (CPO) inventory remained high in both domestic and international market, thus crude palm oil (CPO) and crude palm kernel
of 0.96 THB. The company and its subsidiaries recorded total EBITDA of THB 3,580 million (+28% YoY, +42% QoQ), performance improved, especially for the Refinery Business, of which average crude run
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, of the net asset value (NAV). SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “BOT and SEC have introduced these additional measures to boost liquidity of daily fixed income funds. Already the
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