unrated Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80
Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80 % >80% 5
Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80 % >80% 5. (High Sector Concentration
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of