or loans between the issuer and (a) enterprises that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control or are controlled by, or are under common control3 with, the issuer; (b
structure: (i) That is aimed at cooperation, and (ii) That is clearly aimed at profit or cost-sharing or shares common ownership, control or management, common quality control policies and procedures, common
directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control or are controlled by, or are under common control3 with, the issuer; (b) associates; (c) individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an
P&L SNAPSHOT CONSOLIDATED P&L SNAPSHOT * The Company restated the financial performance from 26 January 2017 after the consolidation of VGM under the common control basis. 2018 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
combination under common control of THB 13.4 Mn which was itself a result of the Group’s previous restructuring. Please be informed accordingly, Yours Sincerely, (Mrs. Yupaphan Ekasittikul) Chief Financial
disposal of entities under common control - 0.0% 73 0.1% (73) (100.0%) Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 78 0.1% 96 0.2% (17) (18.2%) Profit from continuing operations before finance and tax
%) Gain on disposal of assets - - 18 0.0% (18) (100.0%) Gain on disposal of entities under common control - - 19 0.0% (19) (100.0%) Insurance compensation 3,283 5.2% - - 3,283 100.0% Other income(1) 4,855
transactions or loans between the issuer and (a) enterprises that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control or are controlled by, or are under common control3 with, the issuer; (b
เดียวกัน (under common control) ใหจัดทํางบการเงินรวมที่แสดงถึงผลของการรวมธุรกิจดังกลาว เสมือนวามกีารรวมธุรกิจเกิดขึ้น ตั้งแตวนัเริ่มตนงวดปบัญชี 2 ปลาสุด หรือตั้งแตวนัที่มีการรวมกิจการ แลวแตวันใดจะ
Ventures excluding Non Controlling Interest from business combination under common control (mainly Share of Profit from Investments in Glow Group (GHECO-One, HHPC, Glow IPP) of Hemaraj that was transferred