Reporting Reform, said ?the AARG has done exemplary work to promote regional knowledge sharing in the challenging area of audit regulation. We seek to support its efforts to raise audit quality and strengthen
. When done right, they can improve the welfare of market participants. In permissionless DeFi where identity is not required and financial history less informative, regulation is more challenging. Kanis
services in local and overseas markets. W ith the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock devices to deliver bundled solution to clients together
revenue as we have recognized revenue of a big scale implementation job in Malaysia last year. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock
and overseas markets. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to complementary hardware, such as clock devices. TigerSoft also has a strong footing in providing HR
% decrease Commenting Mr Geza Perlaki, Golden Lime Managing Director said: “While the year 2019 has been very challenging (especially in comparison with the highly successful 2018 as basis) we stayed committed
Quarter 2020 Real estate transfer activities 3,000.4 1,952.5 1,441.3 3,393.9 393.5 13.1 The first quarter of 2020 is a challenging quarter for the COVID-19 situation. However, the company is still able to
holding of 51%). However, The Group still focused on managing and controlling cost to be continuously achieve maximum efficiency. Even through, the first half year of 2020 is a challenging half year for the
in the market. To achieve this challenging goal, customer trust holds the key; customers must feel confident and secure when using our services. Recognizing the importance of cyber risk management, we
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