to take action against alleged insider trading of certain listed securities where a group of persons gained multi-million baht of benefits by purchasing such securities with information on change of
& Fibers GmbH, Germany (“IRFG”); and certain Intellectual Property Rights of INVISTA Textiles (U.K.) Limited with regards to its barrier technology. IVL would like to inform that all formalities with regards
amendment will involve revision of certain outdated provisions on the prohibited characteristics of personnel in the securities and derivatives businesses that have been in use since 2005 as well as those of
operators.The draft revision aims to accommodate supervision of agricultural futures business operators and comply with the changing financial reporting standards. It also amends certain disclosure requirements
allow the association to invest in certain types of securities, provided that, such investment is made in accordance with the rules issued by SEC Board; and (3) Provision regarding criminal
Bangkok, September 11, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on proposed compilation of rules on customer contact and service for securities and derivatives business operators where certain
independent directors at least one fourth of all directors, providing that the independent directors are subject to the specified qualifications and prohibited characteristics. In this juncture, certain waivers
approval criteria for auditors in the capital market but certain qualifications will be relaxed such as job title, audit experience and experience in giving opinion for financial reports.The consultation
, to be consistent with the rules applied to local issuers, foreign issuers are still subject to ongoing after-sale disclosure requirements, with certain relaxation on the documents required. The hearing
statements, certain information appeared in the interview was different from that disclosed in the registration statement (filing form). The differences include the information on gross profit indicated at 10