comparing on accounting valuation of River Kwai International food . Transaction Size 0.09% of Net Tangible Asset on June 30, 2018 is considered by only medium size which is more than 1 million Baht by less
amount 2,500,000 Baht per month. - 2 - 5. Method use in calculation of value: The mentioned service rate of warehouse is set from the market price - evaluated by The Valuation & Consultants Company Limited
warehouse is set from the market price - evaluated by The Valuation & Consultants Company Limited. Assessor The Valuation & Consultants Company Limited Method of Valuation Market Comparison Approach 6
have more time to proceed as planned. If the results of the review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and
review affect the fair valuation of the investment or any items in the financial statements that have been submitted to the SEC Office and disclosed publicly, PACE has informed that it will rectify and re
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมกับ CFA institute และสมาคม ซีเอฟเอ ไทยแลนด์ จัดงานอบรมหัวข้อ “Analysts Workshop: The Impact of Sustainability Issues on Valuation
analysis and valuation is relatively a new practice, having a practical workshop would be a useful starting point for investment analysts.”
Building for Laemchabang branch which the amount of land that had been bought are considering market value by Agency For Real Estate Affairs ( Is a capital market valuation and major appraiser approved by
distribution of electricity to other areas. 3. Loss from valuation of real estate project inventories of the Townline project which are all projects of the company, the project began in 2016, completed and sales
the expense about valuation for new investment and sell the investment. Please be informed accordingly, Yours faithfully, (Mr.Lissapat Kraikruan) Director