transaction: Renewal of a hotel management advisor agreement 30/03/2021 19:21 Connected transaction: Renewal of the property management contract 18/12/2020 17:38 Connected transaction with regard to hotel
Company Limited (a 100-percent subsidiary of IEC) through a contract with Energy System Engineering and Service Co., Ltd. (ESES), deemed under control of Mr. Bhusansa and Mr. Saran, for the construction of
to misappropriate 80.1 million Baht from Rayong Wire Industries, an Eastern Wire subsidiary, through a contract for advanced procurement of raw materials with Union Gas and Chemicals Co., Ltd. in 2004
IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Thai-Chin Engineering & Construction where Mr. Rattanathorn Shinkrajangkij and Ms. Yadapat Shinkrajangkij were directors. The
misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Thai-Chin Engineering & Construction where Mr. Rattanathorn Shinkrajangkij and Ms. Yadapat Shinkrajangkij were
other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Thai-Chin Engineering & Construction where Mr
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Thai-Chin Engineering &
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Thai-Chin Engineering &
แนะน า รายอ่ืน ท าเชน่นีไ้ปเร่ือย ๆ จนครบ จากนัน้ให้เข้าเมน ูC4 เพ่ือท าการ New batch ตอ่ไป เอกสารคูม่ือการใช้งานระบบ (User manual) ระบบให้ความเห็นชอบ (Online Registration and Approval System – ORAP
แนะน า รายอ่ืน ท าเชน่นีไ้ปเร่ือย ๆ จนครบ จากนัน้ให้เข้าเมน ูC4 เพ่ือท าการ New batch ตอ่ไป เอกสารคูม่ือการใช้งานระบบ (User manual) ระบบให้ความเห็นชอบ (Online Registration and Approval System – ORAP