, there is income and cost specifically for the part of representation and domestic transportation activities only. The comparison between combination of such two companies’ income and the previous year
กองทนุเปิดไทยพาณิชย ์Autonomous Technology and Robotics 1 คาํจํากดัความ / คาํนยิาม : เป็นไปตามประกาศ 1. ชือ่ ประเภท และอายขุองโครงการจดัการกองทนุรวม : 1.1. ชือ่โครงการจัดการ (ไทย) : กองทนุเปิดไทยพาณ
กองทนุเปิดไทยพาณิชย ์Autonomous Technology and Robotics 1 1. บรษิทัจดัการ : ชือ่ : บรษัิท หลักทรัพยจ์ัดการกองทนุไทยพาณชิย ์จํากดั ทีอ่ยู ่(ภาษาไทย) : ชัน้ 7 – 8 อาคาร 1 ไทยพาณชิย ์ปารค์ พลาซา่ เลขที
and will open up the possibility of integration into its existing businesses. The combination of a strong local company with recognized products and deep insights into the market with IVL’s global scale
provide guidance on the issuance of ASEAN Sustainability Bonds. ASEAN Sustainability Bonds are bonds where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or re-finance a combination of both Green and
”) reported total revenues growth of 49.1% y- y 2018 or THB 678.5 mil., primarily due to business combination consolidated Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited (“TBSP”) since April 4, 2018
, primarily due to business combination consolidated TBSP Public Company Limited (“TBSP”) since April 4, 2018. Excluding TBSP, Company’s core revenues increased by 4.3% or THB 14 mil from q-q. For 6M19, Company
combination of such two companies’ income and the previous year income indicates that the income and cost are decreased but the gross profit is increased for 3.26 million baht due to the better Company
BloombergNEF's annual long-term forecast of how electrification, shared mobility and autonomous driving will impact road transport from now out to 2040. https://about.bnef.com/electric-vehicle-outlook/ BREEAM
the transaction, upon combination of other transactions on acquisition of assets over the past six months, based on total value of consideration paid or received is equal to 5.2 percent, which is an