- Xspring - - 1 ครั้ง / 2 ชม. 20 นาที - Z.com EX - - - - Zipmex - - - - ** ชวงวันที่ 27 - 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2566 เกิดเหตุระบบขัดของบน Mobile Application ของระบบ iOS (Apple Device) เทานั้น หมายเหตุ 3. ขอมูล
, respectively. The rise was mainly driven by growth from overseas business and also domestic sales of a new product, carbonated canned green apple flavored Carabao in 180ml (“Carabao Green Apple”), launched
Green Apple in 250ml can were already introduced into the country. Sales of 3rd party products for distribution were THB 1,409 million, increased by THB 389 million or 38.2%, showing a consecutive growth
53 million or 30.5% since these are non-core products but tools to expand the Company’s brand awareness. The new product, carbonated Carabao Green Apple flavor in a 180-ml can (“Carabao Green Apple
in manufacturing consumer electronics products including calculators and home appliance products and else in Philippines. Name of the disposed assets : Cal-Comp Technology (Philippines) Inc. Business
sales of a new subsidiary company mostly came from Stainless Copper and Aluminum as the main product groups among various industries, mainly in particular for automotive, electrical appliance and
whereas sales of a new subsidiary company mostly came from 2 Stainless Copper and Aluminum as the main product groups among various industries, mainly in particular for automotive, electrical appliance and
shared more than 70% of total personal loan sales. - Hire Purchase The Company offers motorcycle, used car hire purchase, electrical appliance, mobile phones and others and hire purchase business of
segments grew y-on-y in Q1’2020 namely packaging (+15.1%), electronics sector (+13.2% with contribution from new client), home appliance products (+8.0%) and tire (+3.2%) while volume from some segments
9.79 เมื่อเทยีบกบัไตรมำสเดยีวกนัปี 2563 เท่ำกบัรอ้ยละ 12.39 สำเหตุทีอ่ตัรำก ำไรขัน้ต้นลดลงเนื่องจำก บรษิัทฯมกีำรเติบโตจำกยอดขำยผ่ำนช่องทำงออนไลน์ ประกอบกบัสดัส่วนยอดขำยของกลุ่มผลติภณัฑ์ Apple เพิม่ขึน้