businesses: 1. Power Generation 1.1 Local power generation Khanom Electricity Generating Co., Ltd. (KEGCO) IPP EGCO Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong
. (KEGCO) IPP EGCO Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong Utilities Co., Ltd. (Banpong) Klongluang Utilities Co., Ltd. (Klongluang) Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Co
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Robinson Roi- Et branch, Robinson Petchburi branch, Robinson Saraburi branch, and Robinson Kamphaeng Phet branch. Due to the declining economy in 2017, the Group had closed 7 non-performing branches. As a
Laripang 5217o Thaliand Teil(■ 66)054-358996 Fax:(‐ 66)054-296556 w、′w,homepo競 ery,com べo心理聰網ηぶet」 =∩ 鴇,3u 旬ottan(nっ n調■̀ uoo 暫弱狩lミョ調躙籠n轍 1覇'4■高n(襲uη筍■) 直 ν ・m.01 (..鼈量が電nJ ttη fam曇熟n銀 ) 輿,o激 an,関弯nn
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