ตอบสนองต่อความต้องการท่ีพกั อาศยัส าหรับกลุ่มเป้าหมายในราคาท่ีสามารถเป็นเจ้าของได้ (Affordable House) อนัเน่ืองจากสภาวะเศรษฐกิจโดยรวมทัง้ภายนอก และภายในประเทศยงัอยู่ในภาวะชะลอตวั ไม่วา่จะเป็นหนีภ้าคครัว
) Good Health and Well-being (4) Quality Education (5) Gender Equality(6) Clean Water and Sanitation (7) Affordable and Clean Energy (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth (9)Industry, Innovation and
) Good Health and Well-being (4) Quality Education (5) Gender Equality(6) Clean Water and Sanitation (7) Affordable and Clean Energy (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth (9)Industry, Innovation and
dropped -0.5% QoQ, driven by growth in fixed broadband and non-mobile enterprise business with a growth of the mobile post-paid segment. Mobile 5G customers grew significantly with more affordable devices
dropped -0.5% QoQ, driven by growth in fixed broadband and non-mobile enterprise business with a growth of the mobile post-paid segment. Mobile 5G customers grew significantly with more affordable devices
dropped -0.5% QoQ, driven by growth in fixed broadband and non-mobile enterprise business with a growth of the mobile post-paid segment. Mobile 5G customers grew significantly with more affordable devices
investment results. Climate change, water scarcity, community conflicts, resource depletion, supply chain breakdowns, worker well-being and economic inequality, coupled with instantaneous communication, can
organization and worker of securities company’s. Such measure shall, at least, having measurement protecting to access internal information between organization and worker who have opportunity to know any
written with an approval of Board or Executive Board of securities company. Clause 5. Securities company shall prescribe a measure protecting internal data access between organization and worker of
. Clause 5. Securities company shall prescribe a measure protecting internal data access between organization and worker of securities company’s. Such measure shall, at least, having measurement protecting