, and encouragement would be given to business operators to be able to adjust and expand their business. Accordingly, SEC will give priority to the participation of the business sector in giving
and then inform the client afterward. {A} admitted that her client had authorized her to help adjust the client's investment portfolio to cut losses in the account. She also confirmed the trading with
, increasing competition, change of behavioural patterns, and changing demands of fundraisers, business operators and investors. As the capital market regulator, the SEC must adjust to these changes without
with the evidence of its full cooperation given to the auditor. On November 5, 2008, N-Park was instructed by the SEC to adjust its Q2/2008 financial statements and to render cooperation to the
with the evidence of its full cooperation given to the auditor.On November 5, 2008, N-Park was instructed by the SEC to adjust its Q2/2008 financial statements and to render cooperation to the auditor in
audit firm; (2) To relax the requirement on the number and nature of business whose financial statements must be given an opinion and affixed with the auditor’s signature, as well as to adjust the
or value of margin call. As such, after the client has been called for initial margin, the derivatives agent must adjust the value of margin at the end of each working day. If the value of margin is
comments on the proposed amendments to the regulations regarding advertising by digital asset business operators. The key points are as follows: (1) Adjust the font size of the warning notices in
partial investment. Sakkarin then tricked the client into believing that he would join the investment and leave the purchased shares in the client's account. The client therefore transferred money to
advised to regularly examine the mutual fund unitholding reports as well as related bank accounts. Moreover, investors should not leave important investment documents with ICs. In case of any doubts or