funding requirement of not more than 1,000 million Baht. The rest funding will be from debt financing and the investments are expected to be completed within 2019 5.2 the remaining proceeds to be used as a
funding requirement of not more than 1,000 million Baht. The rest funding will be from debt financing and the investments are expected to be completed within 2019 5.2 the remaining proceeds to be used as a
Practices by PRI Signatories วิทยากรผู้ร่วมเสวนา : 1. Mr. Michael Woolley, Director, Sustainability, Eastspring Investments 2. Ms. Edris Boey, Head of ESG Research, Maitri Asset Management 3. ดร. ศรีกัญญา ยา
and contacting any application form for permission, as well as evidences necessary and relevant to Komchadluek Business and Trademark Acquisition to the SEC, the SET, the relevant government agencies or
cancelling the project investment in solar power plant in Philippines, setting an allowance for impairment of Goodwill of Baht 20.73 million and setting an allowance for impairment of investments in associates
cancelling the project investment in solar power plant in Philippines, setting an allowance for impairment of Goodwill of Baht 20.73 million and setting an allowance for impairment of investments in associates
แบ่งก าไรจากการลงทุนและเงินปันผลรับจากธุกิจพลงังานตามปกติ (Normalized Total Revenue from Power Business and Share of Profit from Investments and Dividend) มีจ านวน 1,560.2 ล้านบาท เพ่ิมข้ึนร้อยละ 3.0
) Source of fund Use of fund Operating cash flow 23,020 CAPEX & Fixed assets 5,896 Sale of equipment 4 Spectrum license 1,960 Interest received 19 Income tax paid 470 Investments in joint ventures 226
borrowings 3,900 Repayment of LT borrowings 9,189 Cash paid for acquire net asset from business acquisition 22 Payment of other LT investments 8 Cash increase 2,226 Total 64,205 Total 64,205 7 3Q19 MD&A
Investments and Dividend) มีจ านวน 310.6 ลา้นบาท ลดลง ร้อยละ 24.0 เม่ือเทียบกบัไตรมาส 1 ปี 2561 รายละเอียดของรายไดแ้ละส่วนแบ่งก าไรจากเงินลงทุนและเงินปันผลรับจากธุรกิจพลงังาน จ าแนกตามประเภทโรงไฟฟ้าดงัน้ี